Monday, June 18, 2007

Another Movie Review... Nancy Drew

Okay so I know there are some really jaded people out there but it really does not become so clear until you start reading some of the reviews for movies like Nancy Drew. What has happened to this world? We accept movies like Spiderman 3 and Pirates of the Carribean 3 as wonderful (well some of us do)at least enough to bring millions to the franchise and yet a sweet, innocent and pretty accurate accounting of a favorite of millions of teens comes along and well people wet all over it. Well I wont!

First off let me unabashadly say that I love the Nancy Drew Computer mystery games.My sons routinely tell me they are for kids but I truly do enjoy playing them and I do find they are a challenge. (Yes I do cheat and go to some of the cheat sites when I am absolutely stumped in a particular spot. Like my current one where I cannot get the tea right! The cheat spots have not helped me with this one yet!) So I do enjoy playing these games when there is time, which I have not had in the last 6 months... any way, the computer games have a certain formula and I guess that is what I like about them. The movie had the same formula. It had the same ambiance and it was the same giggly fun. It made me laugh... not just giggle but laugh out loud and it was just plain FUN! Now I know that in this day of big movies and huge plots the "f"word is just not used but for this movie it was. (I do not mean the "F" naughty word just the "F"un word.) So let me say this... Take your teens and your kids to this movie. Let them be amature detectives for a short period of time and let them have some fun. This movie was corny, clean, fun and well definately worth going to see. I laughed hard enough that some of the folks watching the movie with us caught me after the movie and thanked me for letting them enjoy the movie by being able to laugh too. They said it was wonderful to be able to laugh at something and not feel self conscience about it. I agree and find that feeling self concsience about something is a waste of energy. If you are going to laugh LAUGH out loud and if you are going to cry bring lots of kleenex and CRY out loud as well.

This description of the plot was taken from the Nancy Drew movie site. Nancy Drew, the resourceful teen detective, leaves her friendly hometown of River Heights for the West Coast and enrolls at Hollywood High School. There, her unique personal style immediately sets her apart from her self-absorbed, fast-living peers, especially reigning fashionistas Inga and Trish, who can't quite figure her out but know that everything about her is different--from her super-smarts and retro manners to her perfect picnic lunches and penny loafers. Their less-than-warm reception might bother the average new girl in town, but not Nancy. She has more important things to think about--namely, a brand new mystery. Even though she promised her worried Dad that she'd quit the "sleuthing" business, it isn't long before Nancy gets a lead on one of the greatest unsolved cases of all time: the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of famous actress Dehlia Draycott. It happens that the Drews are staying in the former Draycott mansion, long reputed to be haunted and now a site where some very strange things have been happening. How could she resist? Did I mention this movie was Clean? No swear words.. No out right violence (well not really compared to so many other movies out there. There was two guys getting hit over the head with a shovel but they were ok and then there was the bomb blowing up in the sewer hole but.. well you have to see it.) And did i mention this movie was clean... innocent and Fun!?

So my take on this movie is this movie is a single Shot movie with sugar and flavoring. Okay, the reason it is not a double is because that is reserved for really excellent movies like Gosford Park. I told Dan I would make it a single shot maybe a shot and a half and he said not to get fancy so... I just "sweetened" it a little. In short I loved this movie.

Nancy Drew does not live on Whidbey Island but a fan of hers sure does.

1 comment:

David said...

This is probably the longest review of "Nancy Drew" on the internet.

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