So for those of you who are local.... you have seen the scaffolding go up and then come down. You have seen the mess and many of you have stayed away either assuming we are closed or wanting to stay away from the construction. The landlady has a team that is going to renovate the building. Renovation... death to an existing business until the work is finished!! I have to admit I was fairly optimistic about the changes but man!!! business just SUCKS right now. If I had half a brain I would close down for a few weeks and just go on vacation. Anyway, I have some pics of the front of the building before the renovation started and the state it is in now for Memorial Day weekend and I will get some more pics of the scaffolding up and then the final fix. It will be really nice when it is done. We are going to get new windows all along the front. They will look very much like they do now but the facade of the building will probably be apricot in color. Mrs. Henny hasn't decided yet so we will see. It will definitely be much prettier than when it started.

As you have seen, Mary is getting ready for the doggy biscuits to go on sale and as soon as the front is done we will be setting up our doggy café outside for all you animal lovers. This café will include three tables with chairs where your dogs may sit with you and we will serve doggy snacks, people food and there will be disposable water dishes for your best friend as well.
So Rockhoppers is chugging along. Our family is coming home finally. Both our boys are moving home and we are totally delighted about that. My daughter in law is going to get trained in the art part of the shop and eventually will become the art manager. I am currently looking for someone to manage the music scene in the shop as well. Dan is running the blog and for right now I am doing the cooking and running the shop. I have so many plans for Rockhoppers and things I have put in place and now I just need bodies who want to help it grow. It is a process. I am currently looking for speakers who might want to come talk to the community about travels they made, things of interest, current social events etc. I am also looking for some comedians who might want to do an open comedy night. I am always on the lookout for bridge groups who might like to play bridge, or pinochle groups who might want pinochle or any card or game groups. I have some plans in mind for future groups and am hoping maybe some of you might be interested in heading them up. I am looking for a person who is interested in heading up a singles group. I would love a book club to meet here, I need musicians on our open mic nights and I am getting ready to start cooking a theme meal one time a week on Friday evening. This would be a family style dinner for no more than 20 people. I will let you know when I have the first one planned.
So with all these ideas flying around in my brain... It is easy to say "My head aches" and you can understand why. It is my goal that Rockhoppers will be here for another 10 years at least but I cannot do it without you guys. Stop by for coffee, or soup, potato bar, yummies, blended drinks, hopper floppers or some of our other breakfasts, sandwiches for lunch including roasted vege sandwiches or any of our art or music. We have cards by local artists, music by local artists, and books by local artists. We are changing and we want to bring all of you along with us...
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. And if you know of anyone interested in any of the items mentioned above.. let me know. They all involve a very small amount of work and I would help out with everything. Thanks and take care.
Asking for help on Whidbey Island.
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