Monday, June 28, 2010

A female perspective of Robin Hood

Dan and I and Mary and Randy decided to go to dinner last night and a movie. Robin Hood starring Russell Crowe. This movie recieved awful reviews generally with a 44% from Rotten Tomatoes. I have to say I did not think it was that bad!

Russell Crowe was not my favorite as Robin Hood and I have to admit that at times I did get tired of his mumbling! I did like Cate Blanchet as Maid Marion but did not really see any chemistry between the two.

The movie rates a "shot in the dark" and keep in mind that it is not the normal Robin Hood movie.

Now for a little fun... There were 50 different movies of Robin Hood made since 1935... How many Robin Hoods can you name?

Robin Hood on whidbey.

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