Today on Comic Tuesday I'm featuring much more than just a comic, I'm featuring an entire cultural icon. Gord, and his true stories: Acts of Gord, about running a game store, enjoyed minor fame several years ago. Organized into books and chapters, Gord's stories are funny, ironic and sarcastic, and very well-written. The site hasn't been updated in some time, but there is plenty of content there to enjoy.
Gord's stories inspired comic artist Ryan Estrada to create a series of comics featuring Gord. He's produced 4 'books' of this inspired nonsense, which makes a lot more sense if you're at least familiar with Gord's stories, but each also stands on it's own. The comic captures the tone and content of Gord's stories in a very funny way, and the art is fantastic. They are our Comic Tuesday feature this week, and clicking the images for each book takes you to the book in it's entirety. You can also navigate all the books from the archive, here, which is recommended if you have bandwidth issues.
At some point, Gord got tired of running a game store, and moved to South Korea as an English as a second language teacher. He started a message board to discuss his adventures in Korea, and the thread about his experiences there was well-illustrated with photos. The thread provided a nice glimpse into life in South Korea. I haven't kept up with Gord, so I'm not sure what he's doing now, but his legacy continues, and he's active on the message board.
All-in-all, one guy's stories about running a game store occupy a pretty large space of internet culture, considering. It goes to show you that good writing is in demand, and rewarded with attention. Enjoy the comic, and be sure and read some of Gord's stories, either on the message board, or the original Acts of Gord, if you get a chance.
Acts of Gord comics on Whidbey Island.
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