Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Slew of Neat Guitars

The Bards of the Koad brought a selection of neat instruments. First up is a unique one, Michael Brown's Cittern. His cittern is a celtic version of an Irish double mandolin, based upon the Greek Bouzouki, but made in Mexico. It's a small, oval-body ten-string instrument, with a strong unique sound and flexible tuning. Michael uses the cittern for a few songs in the Bards of the Koad video we captured.

Daniel Randall's Olympia, by Tacoma, Acoustic Bass guitar. Similar in configuration to Will Jobsen's Tacoma guitar, Daniels bass does a fine job accompanying the Bards.

Karen Hay's beautiful old Ovation guitar, a family heirloom, named 'Ruby'. It's one of Ovations's first efforts, and truly special to her. The sound is incredible -- as one would expect from an Ovation.

It's nice to see the variety and amazing quality of guitars and other stringed instruments our musicians bring to Rockhoppers.

Citterns on Whidbey Island.

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